Daily Morning Walk Hair Benefits
By Denise Zingale / D’MAZ Lifestyle Salon tel: (216) 292-4247
All those who want to have a healthy scalp and great hair, go for a morning walk daily! We keep adding a lot of products on our scalp & hair to have a lustrous hair; however, very people know that a morning walk can provide you the same benefits. Walking helps in keeping hormones in your body to be well-balanced and improve blood circulation to help promote a healthy scalp and hair and prevent hair loss.
Why Should You Walk In The Mornings?
A 30-minute walk in the morning can change your life! A morning walk is easy on your joints and heart, and the fresh morning air can help calm your nerves, improve your mood, and keep you energetic and positive for the rest of the day.
The morning hours have the least amount of pollution in the air. Fresh air has oxygen in abundance, along with other gases. When you inhale oxygen, it gets delivered to the cells, which use it to perform all functions. When your body functions properly, the chance of you suffering from various diseases diminishes.
Secondly, the morning air is rich in negative ions and oxygen is negatively charged. So, the more the negative ions, the more the oxygen, and the better it is for you to breathe in that fresh air. These negative ions or oxygen in the air will help you feel rejuvenated and have a pleasant state of mind.
Helpful Tips for Walking
If you are thinking of making morning walks a regular part of your daily routine, here are a few tips you should keep in mind:
* Always keep your posture straight while walking. This will help you, especially if you are trying to tone your abs.
* Early morning walks are the best as your body is energized and blood circulation is increased. You also give your body the opportunity to absorb vitamin D from the sun’s first rays.
* If you want to lose a few extra pounds, a brisk morning walk every day is just what you need. When you walk fast, you burn more calories.
* Avoid going for a walk after eating as exercising after a meal affects the flow of digestive juices, which prevents the proper breaking down of food.
* It is best not to drink too much water while taking brisk walks as it may cause harm to the respiratory system. Experts recommend keeping your body hydrated before you start your walk or 5 minutes after you are done.
If you are just starting out on making walks a regular exercise, start at a pace that you are comfortable with and slowly build it up as the days go by. This makes sure that you do not exert your body too much right from the start.
How to walk to receive optimal benefits from your morning walk
Walk at a normal pace for 5 minutes to warm up your body. Then go for a brisk walk for about 20 minutes. This will generate lot of heat in your body and you will start sweating. Finally, slow down and walk slowly to allow your body to cool down. This routine is extremely useful for those who want to lose weight. This will improve blood circulation and will help you feel healthy and fit.
Also, after coming back from your regular morning walk, take a bath or shower in lukewarm water to remove the dirt and sweat from the body. This will keep your body clean and you will feel active and energetic. Note: As a caution, people who suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis and any bone related disease, it is preferable to walk slowly at your normal pace. Do not opt for brisk walks as it may hurt the affected regions.
Check out more reasons below to motivate you every morning to get up from the bed and take a morning walk!
* Lowers the Risk of Diabetes
* Strengthens the Heart
* Aids Weight Loss
* Tones the Body
* Reduces Fatigue
* Energizes the Body
Keeps Stress Away ~ Morning walks are a great way to keep stress away. Stress can have an adverse effect on your body, making you fall sick more easily and causing depression, anxiety, etc. Walking improves blood circulation to the brain and helps uplift the mood. A brisk morning walk can make you feel more relaxed and calm and reduce hair loss.
Boosts the Immune System & Lowers the Risk of Disease ~ Walking improves blood circulation & boosts your metabolism in the body. This has wonderful effects on the immune system. It also improves the supply of oxygen throughout the body. Walking for just 30 minutes a day strengthens the immune system and help keep you protected from various illnesses and serious diseases which can cause hair loss.
Promotes Restful Sleep ~ The stress that you go through each day can cause insomnia. The best way to fight this is to take a walk every day. Morning walks help calm your mind, and at the end of the day, you can get a good night’s sleep and feel well-rested when you wake up.
Improves Overall Health ~ There is nothing like a morning walking every day to improve your health. Every part of your body benefits from this exercise! A nice, brisk 30-minute walk can also extend your lifespan!
To get a healthy scalp & beautiful hair, make it a point to go for a walk every morning. A morning walk is a fantastic way to start your day. Once morning walks become a habit, you will start feeling better and become proactive. So, start today and walk towards good health & good hair! Have questions? concerns? or would like to schedule a personal, private hair/wellness appointment with Denise? Please call: tel: (216) 292-4247 or email Denise at: [email protected]
D’MAZ Lifestyle Salon Disclaimer: This article is provided solely for general information only. It is in no way intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any type of hair and/or health issues or problems and should not be depended upon as a substitute for any consultations with qualified health professionals. Always consult your doctor before beginning or changing any diet or exercise programs. Denise Zingale, Owner, Master Hairdresser, Certified Personal Trainer, EFT/Reiki Master Practitioner